Duffel Bags Designed to Protect the Gear that Protects You

Duffel Bags Designed to Protect the Gear that Protects You

Arsenal Fire and Safety Gear Bags provide convenient storage for those how need to haul larger loads of equipment. Prefect for firefighters to carry their turnout gear, tower climbers to carry their climbing equipment, or to carry gear for other tenacious trades. These bags are built to protect the gear that protects you. A massive main compartment can hold the bulk of your gear, while the large side pocket stores helmets and similar equipment. Accessory pockets keep essentials separate and easily accessible. A waterproof tarpaulin base keeps gear dry and makes cleanup quick and easy. These bags also feature 360-degree grab handles for easy movement and reflective strips for increased visibility. Our custom logo capabilities allow you to personalize these bags with a Maltese Cross, a company or department logo, or any other custom graphic.