Hand-Arm Vibration
Slow Progression, Lasting Damage
The symptoms may take years to appear but, once they do, there’s no reversing the effects of vibration on the most valuable tools a worker has. When the damage is done, it’s done.

Tingling and numbness

White fingers, reduced dexterity, pain

Atrophic, ulcerated, possibly gangrenous

what is hand arm vibration syndrome?
Hand-Arm Vibration (HAVS), aka "White Finger", is a permanent medical condition that causes loss of feeling in fingers, hands and arms. Extreme cases can result in loss of parts or complete digits.
Prolonged exposure to vibration in the fingers, hands and forearms from tools and machinery causes the range of conditions collectively known as Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS), as well as specific diseases such as Raynaud’s phenomenon, carpal tunnel syndrome and tendonitis.
This debilitating industrial injury develops over time as the repeated vibrations cause nerve damage and puncture arteries in the fingers and hands, limiting blood circulation. Because fingers can turn white due to insufficient blood flow, the condition is also known as vibration white finger.
Early symptoms can include pain, intermittent tingling/numbness in fingers and loss of strength in hands, but can progress to the blanching of fingers (white fingers) which harms dexterity and hand function, and can cause irreversible pain (particularly during cold weather).
Continued use of vibrating tools will only make symptoms worse. Ultimately, skin can become atrophic, ulcerated or even gangrenous.

You could be at risk if your job requires you to operate sanders, grinders, riveters, jackhammers, drills, chainsaws and other vibrating heavy equipment for an extended period of time. HAVS is a highly personal, delayed onset condition that can sometimes appear years after the vibration hazard has ceased.
Non-work risk factors include predisposition, smoking (which impacts the body’s circulatory system) and exposure to vibration outside the workplace.
No—but the earlier the diagnosis, the more likely you are to recover from its symptoms. Once it has advanced, HAVS is irreversible with no effective treatment or cure. Sufferers can take medications to reduce the frequency and severity of blanching attacks, and anti-inflammatory medications to reduce pain.
Since the symptoms of HAVS are aggravated by cold weather, wearing thermal work gloves to keep hands warm can help.
what makes a good anti-vibration glove?
Finding the right hand protection is one of the best practices recommended by safety experts for reducing long-term damage. Ergodyne's ProFlex® Anti-Vibration Series Gloves address this often overlooked risk with a full line-up of special purpose styles to fit the job at hand, including those third-party tested to meet the requirements of ISO 10819 // ANSI/ISEA S2.73-2014 – the global standard for anti-vibration gloves. What is the anti-vibration standard?
ANSI/ISO standard requires that gloves:
- Be full-fingered
- Have a uninterrupted palm pad from base to fingertips
- Have padding ≤ 8mm thick in the palm and ≥ 0.55 times the palm
- Padding thickness in the fingers and thumb
- Reduce “medium range frequencies” (TM) by ≥ 10% vs. bare hand
- Reduce “high range frequencies” (TH) by ≥ 40% vs. bare hand

Compared with other vibration-reducing materials, Ergodyne's Advanced Vibration Control™ palm padding technology offers greater flexibility to prevent hand fatigue, while also reducing and dampening vibration to ANSI/ISO-certified levels when used as a full-length palm pad.

Vibrating tools are often heavy, and the tasks they tackle can cause repetitive motion strain. Built-in wrist supports with patented Open-Center Stay™ help guard against the double trouble of vibration and strain.

Combat vibration and back-of-hand dangers like flying debris and impact with help of the ANSI/ISO-certified molded TPR armor on the dorsal area.

Vibrating tools require a firm hold, often on handles or other interfaces. Gripping palm materials ensure tools can be handled safely and securely to get the job done right.

Find the right glove for you
Use the slider to see appropriate PPE gloves by vibration exposure
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