How Heat Stress Happens
- Body’s means of controlling its internal temperature starts to fail
- Once body temps reach 99.7°F (37.6°C), heat stress has begun to affect the body
- Severe illness occurs when body temperature reaches 104°F (40°C)

Headaches, Mood Change
Feeling Sick
Pale and/or Clammy Skin
Painful Spasms
Painful Spasms
Red blisters, bumps, itching
Signs of heat stress, common heat-related illness & suggested treatments
What does heat stress do to the body? Keep an eye out for these major symptoms and know how to treat them.
Heat Rash
How it happens: Sweat ducts become clogged and sweat can’t get to the surface of the skin
How to treat it: Keep the skin dry and rest in a cool place
Heat Cramps
How it happens: Salt and moisture levels are depleted through excessive perspiration
How to treat it: Move to a cool, shaded area, apply something cool, drink plenty of fluids
Heat Exhaustion
How it happens: Prolonged exposure to high temps and poor hydration
How to treat it: Move to a cool, shaded area, apply something cool, drink fluids and monitor
Heat Stroke
How it happens: When the body becomes unable to control its core body temperature
How to treat it: Seek medical attention immediately
Hazardous heat can impair job tasks related to complex cognitive function and also reduce decision-making abilities and productivity. Additionally, a growing body of evidence has demonstrated that these heat-induced impairments may result in significant occupational injuries that are not currently factored into assessments of the health hazards resulting from occupational heat exposure.
OSHA Heat Stress Standards
OSHA’s National Emphasis Program (NEP) for Heat is the agency’s first nationwide enforcement measure to protect millions of outdoor and indoor workers from the increasing threat of heat-related illness.
In September of 2021, the US Department of Labor announced enhanced, expanded measures to protect workers from hazards of extreme heat, including the deployment of a National Emphasis Program (NEP).
In September of 2021, the US Department of Labor announced enhanced, expanded measures to protect workers from hazards of extreme heat, including the deployment of a National Emphasis Program (NEP).
Preventing Heat Stress In The Workplace: What OSHA Suggests
Get to know the simple yet crucial elements guiding the agency's efforts to protect workers from the heat.
The basics as prescribed by OSHA
From OSHA's mouth to your ears. These three words have long been the agency's straightforward prescription for safety in the swelter.
Ways to Hydrate
Rest Station Essentials
Portable Shade Solutions
Go Beyond Water, Rest, Shade
Heat Stress Cooling Solutions: Beyond Water, Rest, Shade
Get to know the simple yet crucial elements guiding the agency's efforts to protect workers from the heat.
“Body cooling is one of the most underutilized strategies. If [workers] have some sort of body cooling such as vests... that is going to be huge [in helping] them tolerate the heat.”

You Need Coolin’
Along with the biggies of water, rest and shade, experts recommend cooling PPE as a simple way to maintain safe body and skin temps throughout the shift.
What Cooling Gear is Right for Me?
The King of Cool
By proclamation of the noble patrons of the worksite realm, let it be known far and wide: others may dabble, but we, purveyors of the finest protective gear in all the land, have ascended to the throne with a heat stress selection that reigns supreme.

Cooling Towels
Feeling like a human salt lick? Instantly transform sweat and water into hours of sweet cooling relief. It’s not magic, it’s science!

Cooling Hats, Headbands & Gaiters
Sop up sweat to turn hot n’ bothered into heat-beating happiness—because keeping your cool (and keeping perspiration out of your eyes) is not only smart, it’s safe.

Cooling Hard Hat Accessories
Tell hard hat heat to take a hike. Integration-ready cooling liners and sweatbands prove that cool and compliant don’t have to be mutually exclusive.

Cooling Shirts & Sleeves
Cover up, cool down and work smart in our cooling shirts and sleeves—the frostiest fashion statement under the sun.

Cooling Vests
When the gig flips you from frying pan to fire, cooling vests deploy advanced tech to keep you cool to the core.

Hydration Backpacks, Coolers & Bottles
Industrial coolers, hydration packs and water bottles for a convenient source of cool, clean refreshment that encourages crews to keep on chuggin’.
Heat Stress Training & Resources
Carelessness, machismo and misinformation are at the center of thousands of heat-related injuries every year. The good news? They’re 100% preventable with a little training, planning and common sense.
Heat Stress Videos
Heat Stress Blog Articles
Pulse Points: Your Hot Spots For Cooling Relief
Evaporative vs. Moisture-Wicking Cooling: Which One Works for You?
OSHA Heat Stress Standard: An Overview of OSHA’s National Emphasis Program for Heat-Related Illnesses
Preventing Heat Stress at Work: Your Guide to Heat Stress Risks & Solutions
Covering Up + Staying Cool In the Heat
Heat Stress Toolbox Talks
How to Prevent Dehydration in the Heat - Toolbox Talks
Warning Signs and Symptoms of Heat-Related Illness – Toolbox Talks
Why Shaded Areas are Important For Breaks at Work - Toolbox Talks
Heat Stress Toolbox Talk Worksheets
Heat Stress Guides & Documents

Heat Stress Freebies